Category Archives: Loan Origination and Management System

Smart Lending – How Decision Engines are Shaping the Future of LOMS

loan management system

Loan origination and management systems (LOMS) have emerged as indispensable tools, streamlining the entire loan lifecycle from application to disbursement and transforming how lending is done. Loan origination system (LOS) The LOS streamlines the loan application and approval process, from initial submission to final decision. It automates tasks like data collection, credit scoring, and document […]

Modernizing Lending – A Step-by-Step Playbook for Loan Management in Latin America

loan management software

Traditional loan origination and management systems (LOMS) struggle to meet the growing demand for more efficient and user-centric lending processes. The fast-changing financial industry must shift from conventional to fully digitalized, automated loan management software. MobiFin’s webinar, “Re-inventing Lending: A Step-by-Step Playbook,” highlights the transformative power of the digital lending process. This extensive playbook sheds […]

Re-inventing Lending: A Step-by-Step Playbook

digital lending platform

While traditional lending processes serve their purpose, they fall short of reaching the unbanked, especially in remote areas. Traditional loan origination and management systems, even without the support of a digital lending platform, involve complex paperwork, in-person documentation, and higher operational costs, which can overwhelm borrowers and limit the growth of microfinance institutions. This highlights […]